Training of Facilitators for farmer leaders and local extension staff in Hilir Perak, Perak, Malaysia
22 - 26 June, 2014
A) Enhancing cocoa production in Perak through good agricultural practice and improved food safety measures.
A total of 35 participants from the farmer leaders in Perak and local extension agents convened at the Cocoa Research and Development Center, Hilir Perak, Perak on 22 June 2014 for a training course on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures for cocoa production.
The 5-day training course in Jengka was the follow-up from the Training of Master Facilitators (TOMF) under the CocoaSafe project, funded by the Standard and Trade Development Facility (STDF) and supervised by the International Cocoa Organzation (ICCO).
The training course was conducted by the graduated master facilitators from TOMF with the supervision from CABI.
It was aimed at training the growers/farmers and local extension staff in SPS methods in cocoa production.
The training modules included materials which were also aimed at raising awareness amongst growers and farmers about the implications of agrochemical use on their health.
B) List of Resources Persons
No. | Salutation | Name | Position | Inst. |
1 | Dr. | Soetikno S. Sastroutomo | Supervisor | CABI |
2 | Mr. | Mohd. Mustafa Munim Bin Motolani (Leader) | Master Facilitator | MCB |
3 | Mr. | Mohamed Helmi Bin Shari | Master Facilitator | MCB |
4 | Mrs. | Khairul Bariah Sulaiman | Master Facilitator | MCB |
5 | Mr. | Muhamad Aizad Bin Johari | Master Facilitator | MCB |
C) List of TOF Participants
Please refer to Photo list TOF of Participants in Hilir Perak.
D) Gallery
Please refer to Gallery TOF Perak - Picture June 2014.